Saturday, April 25, 2009
25/04/09, Saturday. I went Sentosa again! with my very good friend Guan Xu. By right today I am not going, I was too tire, when I woke up in the morning 8am, I am thinking to msg him and tell him dun go alr, but my determination is strong ya.. wahaha! I still forced myself to wake up. When I gave him morning call, nb, he still sleeping. When I reach harbour front, he still sleeping, when I reach coffee shop, he still sleeping. So I ate slowly there to wait for him. We reached the beach around 11am, tan till 1.30pm, the weather was good, very good!! The feeling of sun tanning is only when u try then u know.

Anway after tanning, we went vivo for a walk, I have my lunch there, Clr Jr. Vivo was having Levis shoes exhibition, so went to take a look, I saw this Levis shoes so cool! $99.00

So after looking around at the exhibition, we went to check up his gf birthday present, ha.. He planed quite well, what a nice bf his gf have. I also very good lae, but no gf.. lolx!!! kidding!
After checking for his gf present, I went to meet Miss Cai Jing at somerset, lolx, she went to something there, then I went home to get change and we head to bugis, the new Mall for a movie " The House" . The air corn really damn damn power, I nearly freeze to death when watching movie. People who like to get scare, go watch that movie, was quite shocking when you watch, but dun get night mare! haha..
Anyway, I just want to let all my friends that know what happen to me recently and was worrying about me to know, I am ok.. pls do not worry about me anymore, I think I have though through, the thing I need to do is look far, there is nothing able to stop me if I want to continue, I am strong, as I always said, tough time dun last, tough man do! I am back everybody!! ^_- wink*
♥Oh, so vintage... 12:00 AM
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I think there is a old song is very nice, called "Sometime When We Touched" If there will be a gal can sing me this song, I will be very touch. LOLX! Anyway 1 hr more I will be moving off, booking in soon. Argh!! 1 more year to go!! common!! haha.. self motivation.. Life is full of uncertainty.
♥Oh, so vintage... 8:30 PM
Feeling emo after watching "Handsome suit" while I am in the cinema, there is alot of memory fresh back. I do not know what happen to me. Who am I? Can someone tell me? I am very tire.. I am just not by myself. No matter who I am, I am still tired. I cannot find the thing I want. I just dun understand why. I would like to prompt a very sudden question to all guy that is reading on my blog. If.. if u were to be a gal, and your bf enlisted into NS, you and him had been through 2 years of hardship, what would u do? Wait for him? Flirt outside because u feel boared? break out? or othe? No offence to the ladies out there, I am just curious. Pls tag me the ans if u were like to share. ^_^
♥Oh, so vintage... 3:15 AM
Saturday, April 11, 2009
11/04/09, Saturday. Time flew. It is fast when time are within happy hours, Thursday book out and
tml will be Sunday! Book in day. Anyway today went cine watch "TAKEN" with
fiona, it was a very cool and great show I watched in this year, if you have not watch it, GO watch it! I bet your heart rate will rise! The story is about a guy that have this special skill like
jame bone "the agent" He need to save her daughter from a group of bad guy who
kidnap gals and sell them off to become prositude. He was mean when he want to save his daughter, but he is cool. I guess if I were to have a daughter, and my daughter being kidnap, I will be as mean as him just to save her.
The day was great anyway, we went for our lunch at Pasta Mania before our moive, and we went for a walk at Heeren. Before we could go back to cine, it was raining heavily, so we waited outside heeren and have a great chat. The rain got smaller in half an hour time, so we went back cine. ^_^
♥Oh, so vintage... 11:35 PM
Friday, April 10, 2009
10/04/09, Good Friday. Yes! is a good Friday, I booked out on Thursday afternoon, and it is a long weekend ^_^ I went to this thai pub located at clark quay. Went with Daryl, Chee Chuan, Lip Kai, Wai Long, Samson, Fish and Edward. We orded one bottle of Civas. The thai gals there will actually sing and dance for their performance, if u apperciate their performance, u could buy flower for them, and hang it on their neck. Their vocal is fantastic! I only can out 2 tumb up for their performance and their beauty. Today went to this Pentecost Methodist church with Guan Xu for Issac concert, he was playing his electric guiltar with his team on this good friday event. People there are friendly, but of course if u have ever went church before, u should know what is next after intro friends all this. They will then talk about history of Jesus then so on.. yup! haha..

around 5 plus we went off to Bugis for a walk. There is a new shopping mall over there! the air-corn inside power la! can freeze u. I bought a belt there, the movie ticket there is also selling at $6 only. Nice place to chill. We went to funan after that, guan xu want to find something that he want to buy, sort of I think is jacket ba, but the sales person told him dun have, I see they dun have heart to find de loh..
We then walk to Suntect for our dinner, we found this resturant quite unique, so we went in, guess what is that called? "SKINNY PIZZA" go and try one time if u have the graving for pizza, it is something very new, but to let u know, the food there is vegetarian, if u dun like too fatterning food andu like pizza so much, GO try it!! We orded a set for 2 meal. A spinach and Egg pizza, 2 Portobello Mushroom soup, and 2 glass of Apple cider (2% Alcohol). The meal was great. The most special about this resturant is, there is a DJ in the house, and it was a gal, a cool gal, never see her raise her head up to look at the customer, so concentrate on her equipment. The staff there was very friendly too.. wow.. I think the boss should give me some tips alr, I help them publish advertisment.

After dinner, we take a walk at suntect and then went to city link MPH Bookstores to look for some books. I bought 2 books that I quite interested, "The power of your subconscious mind" and a "thai phrase book". Reading books is also a way of entertaiment too sometime.
Around 10pm, we went home.. ^_^
♥Oh, so vintage... 11:30 PM
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Sunday 5/4/09 1.43am. The whole day from morning until 10.30pm, never stop walking, beside in the morning I went sentosa sun tan with guan xu. We met 11am at Barbour front then we went to near by coffee shop eat, I think everyone should know where is it, is only beside the bus interchange. When we went there, the weather dun seem very good as I saw a patch of dark cloud flowing towards us, but luckily the sun is still stronger then the cloudy weather. We have our self tan for 2 hours and we set off to look for his beloved birthday present, as what is it, it is a secret la.. haha..
Start from vivo, we search and search, half way, we saw there is a fashion show, so stoped there and watched, took a few picture too, will post it soon to my friendster and facebook, they are reaally stylish. After that we walk to bugis, beside searching again, we went window shopping, saw plenty of nice tee and bottoms, so tempting to buy, we had our lunch aka dinner there too, we ate pasta mania. After that we walk to Suntect, we walk around, look here and there, we went to PS after tat, and u know who I saw?? the monopoly character, they having the game compitition there, so there is a guy wearing the monopoly suit taking picture with people.. haha.. I will post his pic up soon too. We then walk to orchard, after walking around, the last stop we went to kinokuniya, went there about 1 hour plus, browsing books.. dun know since when I love reading books.. haha.. maybe old le..
Around 10pm, we went home at different dircetion.. Bought dinner at coffee shop near my house.. hm.. left few hours I have to go gym le!! got to slp soon!!
♥Oh, so vintage... 2:09 AM
Saturday, April 04, 2009
04 April 2009, Sat Morning 1.30am. The feeling of home is always the best, while posting this blog, I am listening to some music to relax myself. Too much thing had happen during the past one month. A lot of things had changes my life also. Was quite emo for the pass one week, friends that are close to me should roughly know why am I so emo. Am I useless? until now I still can not think though and still felt hurt? Was reading some books recently about men and ladies, the content is describing what happen when a relationship had reach the stage where there is no more honey period also telling ask why men do this and that, why women do not understand and why they think different way, that had bring to a conclude after finish reading those books, in a relationship, u really need to understand each other, except who they are and cherish them.
I am surprise I found alot of the mistake in my past relationship was written in those book, I believe alot of people encounter same problems, it is just the way how u solve.
I was posted as a finance spect recently, dealing with purchasing and logistic, by changing my job scope, I had leave a bunch of my very good friends, also I moved my bunk. I felt lonely there, new environment, bunk only got 2 ppl, when never go for lunch or tea break, no more together, is just me alone. Though I can be alone as I am used to it already, but the sudden change I still need some time to adapt. Hopefully after all, I would not have the gap between them.
Later on going sentosa again for sun tan! haha.. sun is my energy! I took 3 weeks to recover from my sun burn previously!! haha.. End of the day life still go on, world still spin! tough time dun last, tough man do!
♥Oh, so vintage... 1:50 AM