Friday, February 26, 2010
26/02/10 Friday. I was talking to Joseph 2 days ago. Joseph is a friend of mind since we study in ITE, then we study same Polytechnic, and now, we are in the same camp. We was talking about the life we had during ITE, though alot of ppl in that time dun look upon ITE student, in fact even now, but I have alot of great time studying there. If you were to ask me, compare between the time when I am in polytechnic and ITE, which one I have the best time? I would say ITE.
In ITE that time was messy, private society name was flying here and there, wherever you head to in the campus, it is anytime to get into a fight or even get bully if you are those small size or "nice to eat". I rem I got this very good fren in the same class with me, his name is kenneth. Over there he are just like my bro, though he always got bully by me.. As long there is case involve in society or fight, he will stand up for me.
There was one time, I walk pass a group of people, suddenly one of them confronted me, asking why am I looking at them? So for normal ppl, normally will replied, "no" I didn't. But he insisted, and asked me, which socity I am in? So I called kenneth, and kenneth told them, to meet at place at certain timing. He went to call his god sis in the campus which is also a big head, and the god sis went to call diff big head, and ended up we surround them like nobody business, even after case close, where ever he walk to, I can see some group of ppl will go towards them to look for trouble. He came to said sorry in the end. ha!
Time flew, alr 5 1/2 years ago.. Hopefully all of my fren is doing good.. Kenneth, if u see this post, I wanna say thanks! ^^
♥Oh, so vintage... 5:20 PM
Friday, February 19, 2010
20/02/10 Saturday, doing duty.. Argh! Is a Saturday! Why am I here? Yesterday I spend the whole evening with Josephine, hahaha! Someone cook dinner for me wor.. first time, consider not too bad alr ya the foods. Time always flew fast whenever we met, why?
This morning, before I booking in for duty, Breakfast done by my Miss Josephine.. Thanks you! So sweet of her. Beside my parent make me breakfast since I am young, nobody ever do it for me.. ^^
2 more months! Pls come fast..
♥Oh, so vintage... 5:34 PM
Monday, February 15, 2010

15/02/10 , Happy Chi New Year !! It was long to wait for a new year to come, but it is fast to see the new year celebration to pass. This is already the 2nd day of chi new year, and it is not as good as in the past when I was young.. Thinking back to the old time when I was 10, everyone gather together in my grandpa house, chatting, laughing.. Everything would have a end to it.. At this moment, everything changes. I dun feel the Chi New Year I use to have in the past. Well.. Everything do have the bad side and good side.. ^^

On the 1st day of Chi New Year, Me, Josephine, my brother and his gf esther and my parent, we went to watch 2 movie, "True Lengend" & "72 Tenents" True legend is nice.. like to see heros movie.. hahaha! And after the movie, all of us went home, except me and Josephine went battery street at cityhall for a walk.. ha! Valentine Day! I would like to thanks Josephine for being so sweet, making me so many things that she put in alot of time and afford making it,

Dear Josephine,
Is not the matter of big or expensive the present you gave to me, but the heart and time you had put in. Thanks for being there for concern and care about me, I appreciate it alot.. May our relationship get stronger day after day. ^^

♥Oh, so vintage... 8:14 PM
Friday, February 12, 2010
12/02/10 , Friday, 12.46am. I am writing this post with anxious, 2 and the half month more, everything gonna be over, gonna start a fresh! Damn it! Have been waiting for that day so long, and is finally coming.. Anyway I heard ppl saying that coming tiger year wun be a good year for ppl zodiac who is tiger, and that's me, not even tiger, mouse, monkey and horse too! So if you are those who are superstitious, better go "bai tai sui" hahahah!
Hm.. I got not much things to update anyway, I'm gonna update more next month with photos! ^^
Anyway, recently alot of things is changing in my life, I should say.. I wanna have a more normal life back, the way I want it to be always.. Hope you guys understand..
I am gonna ORD soon too, I have to start working out with my plans alr.. ^^
♥Oh, so vintage... 1:00 AM